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Fashion Transformation Maven

With Fab Fun Closet's services, you'll embrace your individuality, redefine your style, and exude a newfound confidence that turns heads and leaves a lasting impression.


Our Mission:

OUR MISSION is to help women evaluate and identify the assets of their bodies and wear clothing that accentuates their bodies!

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If you are like most women, I imagine that you have specific goals for your closet and body. Perhaps you want to implement more colors in your outfits, maybe a red shirt will make you feel extra empowered, or a sassy yellow scarf will give you a burst of positive energy. Or perhaps it’s time to finally figure out how to look and feel great in your own body.


Our focus is to help women over the age of 35 customize their outfits to find joy in their unique bodies. As a Personal Wardrobes Stylist & Fashion Consultant, I support my clients to make step-by-step changes to their closets and fashion lifestyle. In doing so, they will rediscover the joy in their bodies to “wear their clothes, so the clothes don’t wear them.”

Why you should choose us!

Here's where Fubulous Fun Closet Comes in!

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Hello there, I'm Maureen

Welcome to Fab Fun Closet, where fashion meets empowerment! Founded by Maureen Stephenson, our mission is to inspire women to embrace their unique style, regain confidence and celebrate their journey of self-discovery.


At Fab Fun Closet, we understand that fashion is more than just clothing; a powerful form of self-expression. Maureen's journey led her to the realization that fashion can uplift, empower, and transform lives. After experiencing a challenging relationship that impacted her self-esteem and love for style, Maureen embarked on a transformative path of healing and self-discovery.


Driven by her experiences, Maureen created Fab Fun Closet to help women rewrite their stories and redefine their relationship with fashion. She believes every woman to feel radiant, confident, and comfortable in her skin. With a firm belief that style has no age or size limits, Maureen's vision is to inspire women to embrace their bodies, celebrate their individuality, and unleash their inner fashionista.


Fab Fun Closet goes beyond selling fashionable clothing; it's a community where women support and uplift each other. Through personalized styling services, style tips, and empowering content, we provide the tools and inspiration for women to express their unique personalities through their wardrobe choices.


Join us on this empowering journey, where we celebrate the beauty of diversity, challenge societal norms, and encourage women to be unapologetically themselves. Let Fab Fun Closet be your partner in embracing your authentic style, rekindling your passion for fashion, and unleashing the fabulous, fun woman within you.

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Bringing Color to Your Closet, One Fabulous Outfit  at a Time!

If you are ready to make some fundamental changes in life and learn how to reach your fashion goals, I have a special invitation for you. I’d like to invite you to a free initial Fashion Consultant, where you’ll have the opportunity for undivided attention from me to support you to look, feel better, trendy, and have your head turned when you enter a room.

Our ideal Client:

For the woman who has ever felt disconnected from her style and lost her fashion mojo, Fab Fun Closet is here to reignite your passion and guide you toward a wardrobe that represents your vibrant, confident self. Say goodbye to fashion confusion and hello to a curated collection that will unleash your style potential, boost your self-esteem, and make you feel like the fabulous, fun woman you always were meant to be.


Our Services:

Style Revival: Reignite your fashion flame with our Style Revival service. Our expert stylists will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current style, lifestyle, and


Body shape: We'll help you rediscover your unique style through personalized consultations and outfit curation, infusing it with fresh trends, timeless pieces, and unexpected combinations that turn your heads.


Closet Detox: Say goodbye to wardrobe woes with our Closet Detox service. Our team will join forces with you to declutter and organize your closet, eliminating items that no longer serve your style vision. We'll guide you through identifying your core essentials, filling gaps, and creating a streamlined collection that reflects your personality and ensures daily effortless outfit creation.


Virtual Styling Sessions: Experience the convenience of personalized styling from your home with our Virtual Styling Sessions. Through virtual consultations, our talented stylists will collaborate with you to curate outfits that flatter your body shape, suit your lifestyle, and align with your fashion goals. Get ready to confidently embrace your unique style and receive expert guidance without leaving your doorstep.


With Fab Fun Closet's services, you'll embrace your individuality, redefine your style, and exude a newfound confidence that turns heads and leaves a lasting impression. Let us be your fashion partner on this transformative journey and unlock the incredible potential that lies within your wardrobe.


Join our Membership

Meet Maureen

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